Blackberry Mint Cocktail

I came up with this mix for my friends baby shower a few years ago and it was a hit! Make this a mock tail or cocktail and sit back, relax and enjoy the refreshing flavors. Heck, make an entire pitcher and call it a day!

The addition of mint adds some extra jazz to this one, and I hear mint freshens the breath too right? Win win!

Recipe for Blackberry Mint Lime Drink:

Ingredients Needed:

1 cup blackberries ⁣(washed)

1 cup pineapple juice ⁣

3/4-1 cup club soda⁣ or seltzer

1-2 oz fresh lime juice ⁣

1-2 mint sprigs ⁣

Ice ⁣

Optional: 2 oz of gin/white tequila or white rum⁣

Servings Made: 2 servings

Time to Prep: 5 minutes

Time to Cook: N/A

How to Make:

Muddle mint and blackberries together with lime juice (basically put them into a bowl together and mash with back of a spoon). You can also use a mortar and pestle if you have. Divide mashed berries into two glasses with a few cubes of ice.

Pour in pineapple juice and club soda. Add alcohol if you are using. Stir and garnish with more mint springs and a wedge of lime.

Pro tip - Spice this one up by adding a few slices of fresh jalapeños to the mix.



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