Tamarind Chutney (Ambli)

Tamarind chutney has always been a favorite of mine especially growing up. I love to mix it with green chutney to use for samosas, mogo (cassava), kebabs and more.

My Mom uses this on top of her salads as a dressing. I am not joking, but I still love her despite that!

I was daunted when I started making this as I wasn’t sure what to expect. My Mom always used to make it for me when she came to visit. I was surprised though! It is not hard at all to make. It is just messy! I do it the simple way without a stove top and it tastes just as delicious with less steps.

Pro tip - Buy the tamarind pulp without the seeds if you can find it. It will save you some time and reduce the mess!

Recipe for Tamarind Chutney:

Ingredients Needed:

1 package (16oz) of tamarind (either seeded or seedless)

Boiling water

1/2 - 1 teaspoon salt (do it to taste)

Cayenne powder to taste

1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder

1/2 - 1 teaspoon sugar or to taste

Servings Made: 1 large bowl

Time to Prep: 5-10 minutes

Time to Cook: No actual cooking time, but inactive time required. About 30 minutes or more.

How to Make:

Soak the tamarind block in about 1 ½ cups boiling water and wait until it turns lukewarm or until you can touch it. Don’t attempt to touch it until it cools slightly or you will get burnt! Mash it up with your hands or use the back of a spoon to release the tamarind pulp from the seeds and other solids. Strain mixture through a large sieve and set the drained liquid aside. It will be thick. (see images below)

Repeat this procedure another 2 times with the solid parts to get more of the tamarind pulp released from the seeds. Continue to collect the liquid pulp into the same bowl.

Use less boiling water each time. You don't want to use too much water or the chutney will be watery. You can always add water later on if you want your chutney to be a thinner consistency.

Discard the solids/seeds and transfer the tamarind liquid into your final container. Add the spices, sugar and salt and mix well.  Store in fridge with a tight fitting lid and mix well before using.

Pro tip - You can freeze this as well in smaller containers or flat in freezer bags. Allow to thaw in fridge overnight and mix before serving.


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Dill Cucumber Dip


Green Chutney (Cilantro Chutney)